CIRCA S-CATH facilitates significant reduction of thermal injury compared to a single sensor oesophageal temperature measurement in RF and Cryoablation during PVI

Updates from HRS Congress, San Francisco, 2019. 

Dr Scanavacca et. al., Incor Group, Brazil 

They conducted a randomized trial to assess different methods of esophageal temperature monitoring and follow up with endoscopy. Quick summary: 

  • 20 patients in each of three arms of the trial:   No Temperature Probe, Single-sensor Temperature Probe, and CIRCA. 
  • 25% of patients in the group with no temperature probe (20W on posterior wall) had esophageal lesions post procedure. 
  • 30% of the patients  in the single-sensor group (37.5C cutoff, 30W until temperature cut-off reach then 20W)  had esophageal lesions. 
  • ZERO PERCENT,  0%, of the patients in the CIRCA group (37.5C cutoff, 30W until temperature cut-off reach then 20W) and esophageal lesions.

University of Washington 

Attached you will find the abstract from the University of Washington which reviews their historical data with a single sensor probe and their more recent data with CIRCA MSP.   All patients had endoscopy post-procedure.   

Radiofrequency Energy Delivery 

  • 18F Esophageal Stethoscope, Cutoff at 0.2C rise, 33.9% Esophageal lesions 
  • CIRCA, 37.5C Cutoff, 16% Esophageal lesions 

With Cryoablation Energy Delivery 

  • 18F Esophageal Stethoscope, Cutoff at 30C, 25% Esophageal lesions 
  • CIRCA, 25C Cutoff, 0% Esophageal lesions